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Brussels & Bacon

Like Bacon, Maple Syrup?

Maple Bacon & Brussels

Lab Work – Maple Glazed Bacon Brussel Sprouts

A moment of honesty, I’ve never liked Brussel sprouts; I know the shame.

Yes, the horror… Brussels… did I mention bacon and maple syrup? Like most things, I’ve learned to like the Brussel with bacon finished with maple syrup. Never would I ever put maple syrup on Brussels and bacon, but, yes, it’s good.

I’m not a foodie or a food blogger/vlogger etc, but I could do some Brussels and bacon. You know, I might post a few more things beyond the Brussels/bacon, the sous vide ‘meat’… I think I might try and share the trial and tribulations of making a simple donut, some creme brulee and may be a great soft pretzel. Again, take it or leave it, I thought it might be a good experiment or disastrous. Making great internet content.

Look for a few more items to creep into the output section, along with the sous vide adventures. And yes, some fantastic Brussels finished in maple syrup and bacon. Enjoy