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Transformative ‘Cheese’

A Good Read: ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ by Spencer Johnson M.D.

Who Moved My Cheese By Spencer Johnson M.D.

Materials – “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson, M.D>

Let’s cover something I’ve been wanting to cover for awhile now, this book has been referenced for more than 15 years of my life, Who Moved My Cheese” – Spencer Johnson, M.D.

Famous last words, ‘who removes life’s blockers’, well, you do… I’ll be brief, the book is interesting, seemingly shining the preverbal spotlight on ‘change’. I enjoyed the picture developed while various personas worked around “Who Moved My Cheese”. It’s an interesting take on transformation, identifying personal blockers, working through issues, ultimately; how to overcome transform your ‘actions’ either in your personal and professional life. The key here is action, you’ve got to do something, anything; just do something (transform) your activity into actionable, do-able and sustainable outcomes. In this case, finding new paths, ways to find success while identifying pros/cons to looking elsewhere. I’d prefer to stay away from giving the books ‘secret’ away, more importantly this the queue to look up, Who Moved My Cheese” – Spencer Johnson M.D. read the review or commentary on the book and/or download/order the book. This is an unsolicited/unpaid advertisement… so take it for face value. The value is in the read, great little work on transformation.

Finally, look, I’m not a personal growth paperback pusher (or digital read), I thought I would mention it for those of you who like to learn the value of change or in my case, communication via Audible.