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Quick Tip: Descale

Descale Modern Coffee Machines

Descale with Apple Cider Vinegar

White vinegar or apple cider works, either one will do. The goal is to ‘descale’ the pipes and water reservoir on a modern coffee machine. Machine or camp pot, the vinegar will do the job. For hard to scrub coffee stains on pots, use a little baking soda for extra scrubbing power.

Below, we have two machines, a. generic Keurig brand coffee machine and b. generic Breville brand espresso machine. Simple monthly cleanings will go along way. On the Keurig generic, depending on which machine you have, pour in some vinegar and water in the reservoir, select a cup size (place selected cup size below the spout) and start the machine. Water and vinegar will do the trick, run the machine until the water solution is gone. Replace the reservoir with just water on the subsequent passes. Typically, I’ll run three full cycles – 1. Water with vinegar, 2. water and 3. water. The goal is to make sure all the vinegar is out of the machine, including the small reservoir within the machine.

Remember, run the machine as many times as needed to clear out the vinegar, a minor or small amount of apple cider wouldn’t hurt (assuming no allergies, parts per volume; we’re talking trace amounts. Disclaimer, I’m not a health professional, nor representing apple cider vinegar or vinegar in any manor which conveys a health benefit(s) etc, the vinegar is the cleaning agent, replacing store bought chemicals).

Same process for the Breville generic espresso (Nespresso cup) machine, caveat, holding the two ‘size’ buttons on the top of the machine. This will turn the machine and run until the water reservoir is empty. I’ve found it easier to just unplug the machine, once the machine has run it’s course. Not saying that is the correct way, just the way I clean the machine. Ok, moving along, rinse and repeat, similar cycle named above – 1. water with vinegar, 2. water, 3. water. 2 or 3 cycles and your machine should be good to go. A fourth or fifth cycle might be used if the ‘descale’ indicator light is illuminated. Time to clean if the light has been triggered. Schedule is monthly, sometimes ever two months depending on usage. If we use either machine less, it gets the vinegar solution more often to maintain tubes, bungs, diaphragms and fluid mechanical pieces etc.

Let’s leave it at that, some machines will require a k cup to remain in the machine in order for the machine to run, just use a ‘spent’ cup, no harm. I will typically make a cup to drink while I clean the machines, that way I’ve got a fresh cup if need be. Obviously, if you have one of the new machines, a k-cup with qr code will not be necessary. The level of frustration on the first series, required a k-cup with the stamp.

Finally, if you have a camp coffee pot or peculator, similar cycles, with vinegar and backing soda. The key is to remove the coffee stains, burnt coffee, coffee grind oil/debris/residue. The backing soda helps as a scrubbing ‘booster’ or mass, while the vinegar’s acid breaks down those hard to clean coffee spots. Same could be used on pots and pans, but, I’ll that on another post; holiday time seems to be an appropriate time and place.