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NES Excitebike

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Lab Work – Excitebike

Huge Excitebike Fan, custom stages, max jumps; game before it’s time.

First, a slight gripe, bike tempurature control/problems (which is annoying, cause that’s now how bikes really work when you hammer down the throttle). After a few runs, you can pick up on timing and ramp pace, get a few wins under your belt.. Race cut scenes have aged, but are really good for aging game. A Fan? Get an official Excitebike t-shirt, only a couple of days to have it shipped and ‘in hand’.In comparison, this might be my favorite racing game, outside of MarioKart, FZero or maybe F1 ’22 (which again, in my mind outside the boundary of throwback games and nostalgia associated with early game consoles). Anyhow, this game is in my phantom top 3 I think, just cause of the action. I believe it was a head of it’s time, graphics weren’t all that complicated, screen moves right-to-left with obstacles, especially like the striped ramps and speed arrows…

More on the customization though, once you’ve played most of the game, you may want to try your hand at creating you’re own track/track obstacles. I remember building these tracks for days, xlarge ramps, little ramps, speed arrows and striped ramps to see how many jumps I could complete in one go. Don’t forget the ramps with the large extensions, like half of a bridge sans one side. Those things can wreak havoc on your game play, including the mega-berms. Honestly don’t recall what each of the obstacles are called, but it’s worth a watch, if you don’t have access to an online game console, ROM, emulator or Authentic NES

Follow along with @nintencoComplete has a go at Excitebike, excellent playthrough. I’ve covered this channel for awhile now, we will start mixing in Sega, Sony and other game consoles soon. One last item, check out the Design Mode around ~21min marker… Nostalgia.

I skipped the screenshots, check out @nintendoCompete work, it’s epic. You always catch old NES games and more on if you want to stay up on legacy games etc. There are others, today we will hightlight Cheers.