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Madorsky Law Practice

Beachwood Legal – Larry Madorsky

Lab Work – Larry Madorsky Law

Larry Madorsky – Beachwood Legal

Web • New Custom • Paper-to-Web • Hosting • Domains • Marketing Website • CMS

Thanks to a wonderful connection back in the mid 2000’s, Larry Madorsky was looking to bring his marketing content online, share customer reviews, explain the services he and his team provided and share the plethora of testimonials with his current and recent clients. The main goal was to broaden the practices online presence with a multi-domain strategy, add testimonials online and create a new marketing/communication channel for his clients. Takeaway, this was a highly successful implementation of the Domain Strategy designed as a ‘hub and spoke’ model – a custom domain strategy and marketing website to address SEO, Learn Analytics, while limiting expenses spent on ads/Adwords. A precursor to social media, using customer outreach to improve customer interaction.

It was a pleasure to work with Larry and his team members, glad to have had the chance to work with Mr. Madorsky and family.