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King Audio Books

Different Seasons, 1922 and 11.22.63

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King Books

New King books on the ‘actively reading’ list, Different Seasons, 1922 and 11.22.63.

6 King Books to add to your reading list… Sure beats investment books, BDU’s and tech talks. For context, I just wrapped up Different Seasons by Stephen King. Different Seasons features 4 books – Hope Springs Eternal, Summer of Corruption, The Body and A Winter’s Tale. Keep in mind, these books are tied together by season or for some, a King twist; highlighting the change of the seasons, each book in the series will have you eagerly waiting more King horror and suspense. ‘The Body’ stood out among the others for me, more nostalgia I guess, reminicent of the days past. Days of old, a simplier life, sun up to sun down, doing kid stuff. Give Hope Spring Eternal a go as well… it’s been awhile since my last run in with Shawshank. For a couple of bucks or Amazon credits, you can pick up the Audible version, narrated by Frank Muller.

Next on the list there, we’ll start with 1922 and then 11.22.63. There are a few others, as part of the Donald E. Westlake exploration, staying in that Hard Case Crime Book/pulp fiction… but, we will cover those another day.
