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Form Study

Human Form Study

Mixed Body Study

Artwork – Human Form Study

Human Form Study, using acrylics and oil paints; sizes vary.

More images to follow, we will include a hand study, and tree study over the year. Briefly, the main image won 1st prize back in college, highlighting various elements – clouds, marketing, human bust and the human skeletal structure. Two, is an old oil painting, painted prior to university, while studying the bust of Alexander the Great.

Lastly, a painting inspired by the famous “Girl With The Pearl Earring” by Dutch Master Johannes Vermmer ~1665. Although the famous pearl earring was hidden in this rendering, the study was an early ‘pointillism’ painting on watercolor paper. The final work was to represent the most famously painted by such names as Georges Seurat and Paul Signac ~1800. This study was very early on in my painting adventures, when the background was playing a major role in the final painting, instead of other similar colors to fill in the painting all together.

Alexander The Great Great Masters Study Emerge Pieces and Parts Portrait Study Post Triptych Through The Lens Of The World The Woman's Body Just Over There Hand Through Water Hand Study Oil