Lego Base Mod 2

iPad Tablet Base Workshop Side Projects (2) Lab Work – Lego Device Housing or Base Lego® Base Mod update… it’s been awhile since I’ve posted any information or updates on the tablet/device base, so here it is base mod 2. Situation – think fast, tablet housing. Need a handsfree, desktop friendly table housing. Challenge Lego …

City Year

Rock The Red City Year Presents “Rock the Red Jacket” Gala Lab Work – “Rock the Red Jacket” Gala 2014 City Year, Annual Gala, Rock The Red Jacket  Print • eMarketing Email Campaign • Multi-Layered Event Invitation and More. I worked with City Year leadership, members, and students to create invitations for the “Rock the …


NEOUPA Usability Day Celebration UPA – World Usability Day (NEO) Lab Work – UXPA – NEOUPA NEOUPA, now, Usability Professionals Association (UXPA) – Celebrating World Usability Day Print • eMarketing • Event Invitation and More NEOUPA – World Usability Day 2008. Here you can find information on upcoming events, how to participate, and ways to …

Lego Train Depot

Project – Solder Station Build AC Gilbert Lego Train Depot Lab Work – Ready For Service BOOM! Soldering Station Done It’s always great to have Legos handy, especially for building the Lego Train Depot. This model features a big smoke-stack and a unique, oblong, and somewhat unstable shape. This is where Legos come in handy. …

Debian Buster

SnapDragon 410c Running Debian OS Debian Buster Lab Work – Running Debian SnapDragon Full Update: Flashed Debian Buster, installed, updated and running on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 410c. Full run down avery cool step forward in running a Debian ISO on a Snapdragon 410c. Two IoT devices running Debian the same way. Speed and performance are …

Start Up

Growth Over Time Start Up – Sallee Technology LLC Lab Work – Start Ups, Small Business At home business growth, Start Up, starting from college to now; embodies the entrepreneurial spirit. Highlighting Growth from Start Up through past Partnerships and Named Entities; Sallee Technology llc ’18, Nabran Enterprises, Inc. ’17, Sallee Corporation ’14, Davis & …

The Legend of Zelda Video

The Legend of Zelda Video Zelda – Grumble, Grumble Lab Work – The Legend Of Zelda Video – Golden Cartridge “Grumble, Grumble” (reference noted above) Everyone needs a little 80s gamer nostalgia. Check out @GameGrumps for more!


BB KING Video The Crossroads 2010 | The Thrill Lab Work – BB King Video, by Rhino. Who Is Your Favorite Blues Artist? Singer/Writer? Enjoyed the “The Thrill” by BB King? Interested in watching similar videos in our collection? Check out this video and more like it on  YouTube or explore other videos in the …