
Stay Warm, When You Need It Most Bonfires, Fire Pits, Camp Fires and Lasting Memories Lab Work – 1Fyr, Campfires and More Lasting Memories: Do you miss those days down on the farm, sharing smores, fishing, fireworks, campfires and stories by the lake? Way, way back when, farm fires i.e. bonfires at the fire pit, …

Commando Video

Commando Video Take The Flag – Commando Lab Work – Commando Video @worldoflongplays presents “Takes That Flag”, a full play-through of NES Commando! Watch this video and others like it on YouTube or check out our other videos found under the video category on our website.

MBP Mid’18

MBP Mid’18 OEM Battery Replacement Apple MacBook Pro Mid’18 Battery Lab Work – MBP Issues MBP Mid’18 Battery and Logic board Issues/Failure – perform a complete teardown, replacement, and reboot to fix there issues. Background Our primary machine is the Late MBP ’18 Battery Swap that we use to run the latest applications and code. …

Pampered Pooch

Office Pals Our Littlest Carpet Dweller, Ruby The Pampered Pooch Lab Work – Office Pets, The Pampered Pooch and Zeus Ruby the Pampered Pooch, Pooch or Piglet? Meet Ruby the Pampered Pooch, who we affectionately liken to a little piglet. Ruby is the oldest dog in our pack, a border-collie, beagle mix who was rescued …

borg2borg v7

Twitter Bootstrap v7 Borg2Borg Unit Lab Work – Web Work Bootstrap’n Journey number 412 version 7 I’ve been wanting to share this for awhile now, especially since version 5 has been out for some time. Borg2Borg v7 is now available and ready to use. It has been posted on the web. out and ready. The …

1fyr Bootstrap

Versioning Update, 1fyr Bootstrap v3 Lab Work – 1Fyr **UPDATED** – 1Fyr TWBSv3 Update It’s time, time to update the version for 1Fyr, 1Fyr Bootstrap v3. Like many things in this world, it was time for a  tune up, we are moving to Bootstrap v3. So, what does that mean? Tune up …