Web Studies

Accounting Services



Lab Work – Web Work

Web studies include three examples, OHPASCO, Clapboard Video and Talented Yound. Find each example below.

Starting with OHPASCO, a local small accounting business, based in Shaker Heights, Ohio (Cleveland,OH). The client, a close friend, was looking to establish a marketing presence online targeting family, friends and tertiary contacts. The main goal was to expand the business’s online presence across Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York(Mid Atlantic Region). 

Furthermore, with the increasing popularity of shared hosting and cloud based professional accounting services, the focus shifted towards implementing a marketing website to provide information and gather contacts, along with a practical hosting solution.

This work was a foundational study on mobile-first or device-agnostic design. It focused on adding a Bootstrap-lite WordPress website, business on a page (infinite scroll) or a CMS to serve up marketing content. The goal was to provide monthly updates and a home for social media to drive traffic and encourage visitors to call or schedule an appointment to learn more.

Clapboard Video
Clapboard Video - Wedding Videography

Lab Work – Web Work, Clapboard Video

Next, we have Clapboard Video, a local small business that specializes in digital wedding video and photography services. They offer full coverage of pre and post-wedding celebrations.

Talented Young
Talented Young

Lab Work – Web Work

Finally, we are excited to highlight Talented Young, a local startup that aims to showcase design portfolios in a Facebook-wall like format. They use cards to display individuals’ skills, talents and contact preferences, creating a virtual portfolio for creatives, architects and more. That’s Talented Young in a nutshell.

Our main focus has been on improving the designer experience, exploring possible communication channels, identifying favorites, and presenting internal offers. The design was created as a study for a large project, an academic proposal, or an online student portfolio offered by a franchisee (school) or private institution.

The owner had great international exposure and was friendly and open to an iterative design and release strategy. They were an early adopter of agile and/or scrum development methodologies, focusing on practical use of the system to develop only the most important, shippable deliverables.

Although some of these studies or websites are no longer available online, you can find our latest design and website builds by using the portfolio tag in the search feature. Follow us on X @salleetech.