Traveling Triptych

A Painting Series

A Traveling Triptych – A Life’s Journey, Vagabond, to Scholar (Tinkerer), and Under The Knife

Traveling Triptych

Artwork – Triptych

Traveling works, national art show. The Traveling Triptych.

Firstly, the Traveling Triptych series is an exploration of color, human form, emotion, and the essence of being human; this series is called the Traveling Triptych. Painted back in the early 2000s, the works won multiple first awards, traveled coast-to-coast and remains in my private collection.

Secondly, there are three distinct real reasons for each painting: 1.  A vagabonds life, roaming around, living as is, looking for meaning in this life. 2. Thinking, settled now, trying to make sense of this world, striving to perfection, reflecting on life. 3. Moreover, under the knife, aging not so well these days, but needing to correct organics and better ones’ life, now sharing life’s blessing.

The Traveling Triptych – Travelers, Traveler and Experience
A Vagabonds Life

A Vagabonds Life



Under The Knife

Under The Knife

Thirdly, this piece or series was completed in the early 2000s as part of my undergraduate studies, particularly focusing on color theory. Likewise, I wanted to create something a bit more deconstructed, incognito and lacking form straightaway. 

The Traveling Triptych series includes 5 or more pictures or forms. The themes include the vagabond or nomad, the uncut, the unkept. Therefore, the one who thinks, lost in thought; pondering how things are. Subsequently, we have a hand searching for sight, or perhaps defending sight from thought. All open to interpretation, surreal in nature.

Lastly, more to come, more paintings in this style or like the Traveling Triptych. please check back later. You can also view my latest sketches and artwork on my X @salleetech for progression photos. Feel free to browse through other pieces, and the artwork category as well. Thank you!