@theRadBrad YouTube Channel, check out @theRadBrad’s content, like and subscribe if you like what you see. Be sure to checkout the channel playlist.

Warhammer 40K 2 Video

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

@theRadBrad Warhammer Play-through, Third-Person View

Video – Watch Warhammer 40K 2 Video

Warhammer 40K 2 Video, @theradbrad’s play-through by Saber Interactive September 2024 release. I was hoping @theRadBrad would cover this game, not a typical third-person shooter, or action RPG played on the channel. Watch this video and more on Warhammer 40k Video on YouTube YouTube or explore other videos in the video category.

Elden Ring DLC Video

DLC Play-Through

@theRadBrad does Shadow of the ErdTree

Lab Work – DLC Play-Through, Watch Shadow Of The ErdTree by @theRadBrad, Game developer From Software

Watch the Elden Ring DLC Video, Continue on, Read DLC Video Article. If you like Elden Ring, check out @theRadBrad’s playlist on YouTube for other action RPG games. Learn about the main content struggle with Margit, level of difficulty and farming activities. It may be awhile before I get to the DLC on my own. Watch this video and others like it on YouTube LogoYouTube or browse other videos found under the video category on our website.

Elden Ring Video

Elden Ring Video

@theRadBrad Elden Ring

Lab Work – Elden Ring with @RadBrad

Elden Ring… Thank you to @theRadBrad for the Elden Ring Video, which is super helpful for those like myself who are struggling with the game difficulty, hidden areas and hours it takes to speed through the game. 

Watch this video and others like it on YouTube Logo YouTube or check out our other videos found under the video category on our website.

Elden Ring Review

Let’s Catch Up, The Elden Ring Review

We Discuss @theRadBrad Conquer Elden Ring

Elden Ring Video Review

Lab Work – Review – Elden Ring content produced by @theRadBrad

FromSoftware is setting a standard and pace for the gaming market with the Elden Ring. In this we cover the video and more. Hidetaka Miyazaki has truly outdone himself and we applaud him for it. I recently discovered the SoulsBorne series on YT. For the definition, check out How-To Geek. Thanks to several YouTube creators, Elden Ring is considered the best game of all time. This game truly takes the cake, and may reason for purchasing it.

First, @theRadBrad takes us on an epic journey, through an open-world concept, where we fight and farm along the way. There are very few games that I would rank above this one. Brad makes a game look easy, emphasizing the importance of farming and leveling up during offline time.

Top 5 Games Various Consoles

Next, let’s briefly discuss the best game ever! Elden Ring. It definitely deserves a spot on the list for PS5 console, ranking in the top 2 at least. As a big fan of this game, I must say it is truly epic and out of this world. With over 30 years of experience in gaming, watching, playing, and reading, I can confidently say a lot for the Bandai team. My only hope is that the team continues to expand the  Elden Ring series like the Souls and Borne titles, which are revolutionary in there own or on there own.

Games At The Top, Topping Such a list as greatest game ever

Let’s continue on, treating this Elden Ring Review journey more as a comparative activity. Starting with console games, a few titles that stand out in my opinion are Tony Hawk on PS2, F-Zero, Golden Eye, Mario Kart, the Final Fantasy Series, Rad Racer, D&D, and Zelda. The list goes on, but I digress.

Let’s also consider some Arcade game titles such as TMNT, Simpsons, XMEN, NBA Jam, Golden Tee PGA TOUR, Street Fighter Tournament, D&D, Jurassic Park, and Galaga (I’m terrible at it, @DKOG73 does it right). Additionally, classic pinball games like Indiana Jones Pinball from 1993 by Williams, most SNES games and table tennis (Ping Pong) are worth mentioning. I have just started playing the game myself, and it’s on my list of things to do in my downtime, so stay tuned for additional commentary.

Let’s continue the Elden Ring Review, in my opinion, as a viewer, Elden Ring tops the charts. Elden Ring is definitely at the peak across the board. I’m not a hardcore gamer, but I follow games closely, both new and vintage. I wanted to share my thoughts on one of the top two games of all times. Elden Ring is top tier, especially in today’s market, 1. it excels in epic graphics, 2. fluidity of in game fighting 3. play and combat, narration and voice talent (check) and 4. game difficulty.

After playing for under 20 hours at home, I haven’t even come close to 1% completion. Shoutout to @theRadBrad who makes this SoulsBorne like EldenRing game look easy; it’s not. I’ve learned that the hard way, farming is key to success, similar to D&D where XP and complementary skills are crucial. It’s been a while, more than 6 months since I’ve played D&D.  Maybe it’s time to start up a solo, old school D&D game again.

Moving on, the dialogue and voice talent in Elden Ring are superb, with minimal player hiccups and NPC interaction. Frame-to-frame degradation is minimal, and game performance on the console appears flawless (except for some degradation around the ErdTree, but were not here to stare at the tree). Overall, from a viewer’s perspective, very few issues are noticeable.

Now that the DLC is out, check out the DLC video and DLC review. Thanks for all the support on this series, same for the Last Faith video and Last Faith Review out now. Just keep up all the likes, views and support. I’ll keep adding new games to the backlog.

Lastly, Honestly, this is something you need to check out for yourself. Here is where Brad does a great job with transitions and pace seemingly not allowing those ill-fated pitfalls to undermine the play-through. In conclusion, IMO (in my opinion), this is the most epic game ever, but take that with a grain of salt. We all come from various backgrounds, gaming styles, etc., so we can all appreciate the work Bandai and company put into this title. Compliments to the gamer here, Brad’s tempo and production cadence is a huge plus, providing easy-to-consume Elden Ring content. Finally, the game is truly a masterpiece, and Brad’s easy listening narration style, which complements the work load.

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