Part 107 license holders… NOTC1758 Waiver updates April 21, requirements for flight at night or over people or moving vehicles still require waivers.

AirMap by DroneUp

Take Flight, AirMap by DroneUp

AirMap for Drones, Setup and Flight App

Airmaps - Drone Flight App

Tech | Tools – Fly With Confidence – Airmaps

Get FAA approval to fly with AirMap by DroneUp… Are you looking for FAA compliant drone flight apps? Airmap makes flying easy  and understandable. Fly with confidence while staying within legal requirements and having the knowledge to fly approved. 

From installation to usage, AirMap by DroneUp for iOS or Airmap – for Android will help you understand what is happening in the airspace above you, how to fly with approved FAA flight status, log your flights, and more.

Airmaps iOS And Android






FAA Plan

FAA Plan

Airmaps Zones


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Airmaps Restrictions


Brevard County

Brevard County

Log In

Log In

From t’s & c’s, to maps, flight logs and FAA approval to fly safely, make sure th get approved with FAA-approved flight requests. Check Kennedy Space Center to learn about the airspace above and around Kennedy. Familiarize yourself with the warnings and requirements, as well as the maps and flight restriction in and around the areas within your airspace.

Need more flight apps, or drone apps for flight approval? Leave us a comment below and we will find some additional drone apps for you. While you’re here take  a look at other FAA related articles, FAA Hurricane Update from 10/1 and FAA Drone Safety from 4/19. Although these articles are now archived, it’s important to remember that drone flight rules are drone rules. Most importantly, make sure to stay compliant and safe while flying. 


FAA Hurricane Update

Hurricane Ian Alerts Update

FAA Hurricane Alerts

Materials – FAA Hurricane Update

Know What To Do Pre/Post Hurricane Ian – Before you fly, understand the current conditions in the sky above you… FAA Hurricane Update. Remember, the drone industry is constantly evolving, growing and maturing.

Drone enthusiasts will always want to fly, so be sure to prioritize safety. This year, the FAA has organized a safety awareness day for drone pilots, federal representatives, educators, drone hobbyists and more… On June 18, 2022, join your fellow drone pilots for FAA Drone Safety Day. To participate – look for ‘about drone day’, support, or host an event. This message is in reference to FAA notice number” NOTC2405. For those seeking more information or a drone piloting app, consider trying Airmaps.

For those of you who are interested in learning more about open FAA communications, licensed drone updates etc. feel free to reach out to us or leave a comment below.

FAA Drone Safety Update

FAA Drone Safety Update, Flight Over People And Flight At Night

Flight Awareness, Times and Resources Now Available

FAA Safety Warning

Materials – Flight At Night

FAA Drone Safety Update – Notice Number: NOTC1758

FAA Drone Safety Update it’s time for some training for you Part 107 license holders. What about the waivers? The waiver deadline is April 21, 2021, so please make note of that date. Requirements for flight at night and/or over people, moving vehicles still require FAA waivers that date. Moving forward, waivers and requirements will need additional information, especially for flights over people and/or at night.

My assumption, after speaking with the FAA, is that the traditional licensing examination and process will change. It is likely that licensing for unmanned aircraft will be more similar to the boating license process in Florida. This may involve a classroom environment, quizzes, and tests on practical knowledge and safe flying. Let’ wait and see what updates and regs. are implemented. I am not comfortable speculating on the matter, how they will happen and when. You can be the judge!

Side note, FAA Drone Safety Updates are on going, so continue to use and test Airmaps  for the latest updates. As described on Airmaps some forum responses were lost in the purge due to a spammer attack. It will help you stay informed about regulations and rule updates.  

FAA Drone Update




Check out the FAA’s Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) B4UFLY App, FAA DroneZone or give the FAA a call or email for clarification. It’s pretty straight-forward. As always, feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thing! Fairly straight forward. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?