Outage(s)? Try Downdetector.com. The realtime outage, internet issue resolution management and monitoring application. Download downdetector.com



Downdetector - Detect Real-time problems and outages

Tech | Tools – Downdetector, Starlink Teaser

Outage? What’s Up with What’s App? Binance? Online Bank Account? Internet? Online Games?

When the ‘interwebs’ fail, or aren’t operating as they should… well, the interwebs has help. Check out Downdetector, great online resource for finding out what’s going on with the web(online games, apps; everything that uses the internet). 

An Insiders View


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Aggregate reporting, reported outages, and a neat heat map of the world showing said outages, slowness etc. Next time you experience a snag in interweb service, join the ‘outage club’ (a group that manages outage and communicates services issues for the latest, real-time outage reporting and monitoring service. We use it regularly, almost every week, and sometimes daily.  While waiting for Starlink to come on board and receive equipment the website is our go-to for web service, applications or website outages. Other tools in the developer kit, you may want to explore include the FUZZ or give Selenium a try if you’re ready for it. There are many, I’ve just provided a few we use locally to keep services and websites working in optimal capacity.

For a full list of websites, service monitors, check out the 404 list – which lists of all websites monitored by DownDetector. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?