Apple iOS, running version v17 (latest at this time). iOS is Apple Mobile Operating System for smart device(s), mobile and/or tablet products.

Candy Crush Soda Saga

Play Candy Crush Soda Saga by King

A Sugar Rush

Sugar Crush Soda Saga

Lab Work – Teeing Up Candy Crush Soda Saga

Have a few extra minutes to solve puzzles and enjoy some candy? Candy Crush might be the perfect game for those game time moments!

Candy Crush Soda Saga by King is the sequel to the original Candy Crush Saga. I started playing Sugar at the beginning of 2023, fitting it in between sessions of Factorio and Clash Of Clans. Candy Crush is a fantastic puzzle game that will appeal to fans of Connect Four, Othello, Tetris, or paper crossword puzzles. It requires quick thinking and reflexes. Sugar offers great game play and animations. Personally, I prefer Soda over the previous versions of Candy Crush because it feels more polished. Factorio remains a favorite desktop game of mine, while CoC Clash Of Clans and Candy Crush, both mobile games, have been put on hold for now.

More Soda Saga
Lvl 55

Lvl 55

Play Again

Play Again

Play On

Play On

COC Dilemma 

Let me explain further, in CoC in Clash Of Clans, I’ve been playing for over 10 years. I reached TH15, and maxed out before the wall max release, and I’ve tried out a few new characters. The game’s lifecycle has run it’s course for me. As for Candy Crush, the dragon stages can be challenging. It can feel like you might not be able to pass them without making in-game purchases.

Now, I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who have completed the dragon stages, but I have not. Kudos to those who have. I might need to do a little internet research, I guess. However, I liken the experience to my childhood, playing Gyromite, Castlevania or even Super Mario; and you can’t get out of the rut. I feel like I just can’t ‘beat’ a particular area/stage/puzzle etc. So, without going down the rabbit hole, what I tend to do is set the game down, uninstall until it’s time to pick it up again. I know brutal cycle… moreover, I tend to pick up the game every other month or so, a new install is a must. Perhaps it would be easier to just pick up with the dragon area…

In-game screenshots to follow. It’s been a month or two since my last play-through. Stay tuned for my gaming experience in the next few weeks!

Galaxy Series Reset

Samsung Galaxy S215G Reset

Galaxy Reset or New – Privacy, Backups, Access and More

Samsung Galaxy Reboot, Reset, and Unplug

Tech | Tools – Samsung Updates

Before we delve into our dual-SIM experiments, let’s address the Galaxy Series Reset. I wanted to share some Samsung Tips and Tricks that could help you remove unnecessary apps from your Galaxy series devices.

Let’s take a quick look at the world of ‘debloating’. We’ve seen an abundance of pre-installed native apps on various platforms, OS, iOS etc. It feels like were back in the 90’s with PC sales. This trend applies to both Android and iOS devices. Until we have a user-friendly Linux based mobile OS or an open-source mobile kernel that allows us to customize our devices based on our needs, we’re stuck with what we have. 

Mobile phones come loaded with Google bloatware and the same goes for iOS. When did Homekit, Health, Health Sensors and Siri start coming preinstalled and running constantly, making it difficult to disable them? It’s a challenge that won’t disappear with this Galaxy Series Reset. However, a I’ve been exploring new settings, OS-specific adjustments, and techniques to reduce bloat, limit Google access. Whether you have a new Galaxy S22, 215g or 10, or a later model, we have some fresh methods to help you regain control of your device.

Diving right into it, whether you’ve got a new phone or not, a hard reset is required… Backup what you need and store it in a safe place. Most of the time it’s automatically saved somewhere, but we plan to take back that control and manually take steps to move the process forward. The time to de-bloat or de-bloat your device is right now.

Short Tutorial

Fresh Hard Reset on your existing phone or set up your new phone from scratch to begin the Galaxy Series reset. First, do not add or allow any Samsung, Google, or non-platform services that you do not want running regardless of their power status. A prominent red warning sign advises against signing in or allowing data transfer to any external services that are not native to the system or necessary. 

NEXT, let’s disable all permissions for apps, stop and remove permissions and alerts for any unwanted apps. This is crucial as we do not endore the input/outpu of such apps. Particularly those that are third-party, external, and considered bloat that may track and access your data without your permission. Turn off all unnecessary apps or system apps. Additionally, rearrange your apps as you see fit, grouping Samsung native apps that are essential together in a separate folder with other Samsung or Google apps. Do NOT enable cloud services, sign in, or log into any systems that you may want to use later on, at least not yet.turn on cloud services, sign in or log in to those (any) systems you will want later.. so not just yet.

Wrap Up – Debloat Your Android Device

Finally, it’s time to reintroduce existing settings. We want to re-import contacts and any bookmarks or Same for any bookmarks or saved ‘behavioral’ help settings. Must Have’s  must go for the Google/Samsung requests to access the phone. These actions remain out of touch and are not allowed. Let’s clean up the home screen to your liking and add email accounts as well.  Browser settings when your ready, no go on Chrome, Google or Samsung Internet, we use brave with all turned off…

DON’T FORGET THIS, don’t forget to make sure privacy settings meet your needs. As usual, leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking?


BWSamsung Galaxy S205G

Samsung S20

Gear – Samsung Galaxy Series

Time to switch? iPhone-to-Galaxy? Or LinuxOS? We think so. We test and make our decision., then we share why we made the decision we did. The decision is in. S205G over iPhone11/, Phone12, S21, or S22 the latest models. We are not talking about the latest Galaxy Series or the Z-Fold, or the iPhone 13.

It’s has taken many months, even years of practice to make the change. I encourage you to consider making a similar decision to switch. Practice makes perfect. Let’s stick with practice, practice and more practice! Nothing compares to MacOS and iOS. Yes, everything MacOS, iOS. So, what comes with the decision? UI familiarity, yes. Did I mention all the machines we use on a day-to-day basis are MacOS? Certified to service these machines? Most certainly. Comfortable fixing what we’ve always done. Safety, security, battery life, ease of use, and more. All true, including the use of iPhone and iOS products and services since 2006.

Blackberry Experience and Switch

Practice makes perfect. That’s a lot of practice in my opinion. Historically speaking, and assuming my memory is correct, we made the initial jump from Blackberry and Blackberry products specifically the Blackberry 8100 (’06) series and the 8300 (’07) series, to the iPhone. And the main reason for this switch? Touchscreen keys. At the time, the main issue was the incompatibility or lack of practice with onscreen-typing or touchscreen services couldn’t get on board with the Blackberry touch model (whatever it was called). Let me share a quick story…

Many years ago, I remember sitting in a multi-million dollar test lab (usability lab), testing the latest UI designs and services and a user was ‘testing’ via the Blackberry Storm… I’ll spare you the pain, but let’s just say that during that specific test, the Blackberry touch devices were out, and the iPhone was in. Specifically, the iPhone 3G. Early being an early adopter of technology, the Blackberry (the workhorse of many business years) failed the two tests performed in a controlled lab experiment. Fast forward to the present, specifically in relation to iOS/iPhones, it has been many, many years of practice, perhaps too many. I have included a link above comparing the iPhone 13, 11, and iPhone 6s for those who want a quick glimpse into how the iOS device ecosystem has evolved over the years… However, this is where those years of experience have come to an interesting fork in the road.

A Switch to the S20 5G

Sometime in the second or third quarter of 2017, the Samsung Galaxy lineup started to make sense. I road-tested the S9, S10 and quickly moved on to the 2002 model, the 205G. I carried a work phone with iOS, the Galaxy and a few laptops with various operating systems. Yes, it was a pain, but I’ll spare you the details. After enduring 100% travel, juggling multi-devices and staying in the same hotels, it was time for a change. A few months behind schedule, I finally made the switch to the S20.

Living life on the road, traveling for clients, nearly broke the iPhone spell. I had spent years and years dealing with expensive iPhones, constant turnover, and damage control. As mentioned before, I also spent a significant amount of money and time on testing, studying, and certifying myself in iOS products and service as well as fixing iOS devices. Before moving on, I want to emphasize that we didn’t buy new or directly from Apple, and saving $1,000 made a difference in this experiment.

Buying new may be your preference, but today it wasn’t ours and it won’t be moving forward. In fact, you can find many of our favorite devices second-hand or ‘renewed’ today. So to put it simply, you might be wondering how did we end up purchasing the S205G? ((Panic)) The process was lengthy and challenging. We felt the need to explore all available options. We wanted to make sure we were investing in the right product, choosing the best option for us. What better way to do that by testing everything on the market? We tried almost all of them. From basic, stripped-down Android/iOS and Linux and older phones like the iPhone 6s and 8s, Galaxy S9/S10, S20, vintage Nokia 3300, the LightPhone2, and ultimately settled on the S20 model.

Open Source or Linux Options

Honestly, let’s start with the Linux OS option first. Until we have a Linux – // based phone that can cater to the masses, consider Ubuntu Touch, Sailfsh or Pure. In terms of device options, the selection is quite limited – OnePlus, Fairphone, Google Pixel 3 (3a), Pine, and Librem. So, there are limitations.

Another important point is to do your research before making a purchase. Buyer beware, exercise caution, learn how to use command line code, service your own device, install different OS versions. Until Linux devices are suitable as ‘EDC’ (Everyday Carry) and not just for developers, the 20+, Ultra or the S21 series.

In conclusion, the main takeaway is this: we made the switch, but it may not be right or wrong. Choose what make sense for your budget, lifestyle and security needs. This switch was motivated by the desire for control, better battery life, screen, performance, and the dislike for SIRI. Samsung has shown consistent growth, while IOS tends to make frequent changes to buttons, connections, cases, and materials, along with automatic data collection features. This may be a  matter of preference, which applies to all devices. It’s remarkable how iOS has become so prevalent in just over 17 years. Lastly, I must emphasize that this is not a promotion for any specific devices or brand. It’s a reminder to thoroughly test products before making a purchase. I hope this article encourages you to take necessary steps to evaluate what’s available in the market.

iPad Mini4 – Screen Swap

iPad Mini4, Let’s Replace the Screen and Digitizer

Digitizer Screen Swap

iPad Digitizer Swap

Lab Work – Digitizer Replaced

iPad 4 Mini – Digitizer Swap

Take a peek under the hood and check out the iPad Mini4 – Screen Swap timeline. From start to finish, it only takes a quick 20-30 minutes to complete. Just remember to remove the power flex connector before the screen/digitizer flex connections. We have included a followup picture in the timeline that demonstrates the recommended tools and method for removing those flex connections. Additionally, when dealing with the button assembly housing and home button, be sure to handle them with precision and care. Taking care of the button and its connections will make a significant difference in the long run.

  • Packing Tape
  • Heating Element – Water Based, or Heat Gun
  • Pryor triangles
  • Suction Cup/Pry Clamps
  • Tech Screwdriver set
  • Curved Tweezers
  • Pressurized Air
  • Anti-static Wipes
iPad Screen Repair
iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Tap Screen

iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Heating Glue

iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Start Removal

iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Shim Screen

iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Unscrew Shield

iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Gain Access

iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Digitizer Connector

iPad Mini4 - Screen Swap

Digitizer Cracked

Let us know your thoughts on the moderate difficulty of The iPad Mini4 – Screen Swap if you are knowledgeable in this area. More Apple tear downs and repairs, like this Late ’18 MBP Battery Swap  or M1 Chip Touchbar swap. There are more, like this Mini 4 digitizer repair, which takes approximately 20 minutes from start to finish. If you encounter any problems,  Apple Self Services options are available, as well as Apple Parts – – case you encounter any difficulties or obstacles. Feel free to reach out to us, as we are more than happy to assist you!

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?