Start Up

Growth Over Time

Start Up – Sallee Technology LLC

The Sallee Technology llc logo

Lab Work – Start Ups, Small Business

At home business growth, Start Up, starting from college to now; embodies the entrepreneurial spirit.

Highlighting Growth from Start Up through past Partnerships and Named Entities; Sallee Technology llc ’18, Nabran Enterprises, Inc. ’17, Sallee Corporation ’14, Davis & Sallee Design Ltd ’07, Freelance ’03.  Might be a good time to bring up the Wayback machine, check it out. The year is 2000, and the internet is wide open… no standardization, no html 3 or 5;  like the wild, wild west!

Sallee Business Iterations
Sallee Technology llc

Sallee Technology llc

Sallee Technology llc

Sallee Technology llc

Sallee Corp

Sallee Corp

Start Up - Davis and Sallee Design

Davis and Sallee Design Start Up

Start Up - Sallee Startup

Sallee Start Up

Start Up - NBRAN