Lego Board Housing

Borg2Borg Lego Board Containment

Lego Borg Housing

Lab Work – Lego Board Housing

Lego Board Housing by Borg2Borg

Who’s in for our own @LEGO_Group, Borg Housing? Anyone? Anyone? The goal of the group is to combine Lego and technology. For those who enjoy SciFi or Star Trek, you might appreciate the Borg references. So, imagine Legos and IoT boards coming together – BAM!

Lego Housing


HDMI Ports

HDMI Ports


Second Tie

Arrow Case

Arrow Case

Although small, the Lego BORG housing is truly impressive. It is my own version of the BORG spaceship, capable of holding two IoT boards the  @Raspberry_Pi #RPi4 And @Qualcomm #Snapdragon410C. I have also included a picture of the original Snapdragon case by Arrow – Snapdragon. Additionally, take a look a touch screen housing by Arrow – Touch Screen Housing. Comparing Arrow to the Lego Board Housing, Lego wins hands down! Both devices are currently running the latest version of Ubuntu IOT OS, allowing me to easily flash/re-flash Android and Ubuntu if necessary. It’s pretty cool. Or, if you’re looking for other work, like tear downs and Apple Repairs, check out those now.

Lastly, we create a variety of items out of Lego for the office, such as computer housing, controllers, train and IOS iPad Stands and other projects more. Give it a try, see what you can come up with!

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