Lego Base Mod 2

iPad Tablet Base

Workshop Side Projects (2)

Lego Base Mod

Lab Work – Lego Device Housing or Base

Lego® Base Mod update… it’s been awhile since I’ve posted any information or updates on the tablet/device base, so here it is base mod 2.

  • Situation – think fast, tablet housing. Need a handsfree, desktop friendly table housing.
  • Challenge Lego Base Mod 2 – build a tablet housing (landscape orientation only) to house an iPad. Regardless of what model or make, we had an iPad, make something that will work in 5 mins. Go!
  • Accessible materials – Legos®, Toothpicks, Pipe cleaners, various
  • Go!

While the Lego Base Mod 2 challenge is primarily for prototyping, try it for yourself. I’ll pull this forward, as I talked about buying bricks 300 pcs set or in bulk (4lbs) if need be. It’s handy to have bricks and Lego parts around the shop, a few bricks, some connectors and you’ve got you very own DIY project build. If this isn’t your style, we recommend getting your hands on the Brenthaven.

I’m pulling this content forward, second edition accounts for ‘tipping’ and/or stability issue, number of bricks, screen angle and orientation. Issues, devices would tip or fall forward/backward depending on how the user might set the device. Reduced a few bricks, however most were repurposed as support columns or ‘feet’ which helped acute screen angles. Moving forward, mod features portrait and landscape viewing. Caveat, charging cord need was nixed, user will have to set the tablet down when charging or charge in landscape only. There will come a point, at some point, we will include a charging cord mod down the road. Previous Side Project Lego Tablet Build article for reference.

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