In layman’s terms, a video is a series of recorded images, accompanied with or without music. It is a self-contained collection of images for the purposes of recording, editing, broadcasting, displaying/playback of recorded images.

Galaxy s10+ Damage Video

Galaxy s10+ Damage Video

Nokia 3310

Gear – Galaxy s10+ Damage Video, hot swap for the Nokia 3310

Switch to backup to the backup phone, Nokia 3310, as the Samsung S10+ lost power, its glass is damaged, and more. The Samsung S10+ is now considered damaged tech, time for a swap.

Barebones Torch Video

Barebones Torch Video

One The Bench – Barebones Torch

Lab Work – C Battery Barebones Torch Video

Side projects: cleaning up some old solder welds and re-skilling myself. I thought I would put together a simple video showcasing how to make a small device that lights up a room using just a  C Battery, Paperclip and a lightbulb.

eMax Quad Motor Rewire Video

Drone Rewire, Resolder Power On

Hack-a-thon, Patching eMax TH2

Lab Work – eMax Quad Motor Rewire Video

After the crash, the eMax TH2 needed a new Flight Controller (FC) or FC Board, motors and fan blades. A quick peek underneath, revealed that everything was good as new with the new FC, motors, copper leads, LED’s, and alarms all working as expected.