1fyr Bootstrap

Versioning Update, 1Fyr.com

1fyr Bootstrap v3

1FYR, 1 Fire, once a month

Lab Work – 1Fyr

**UPDATED** 1FYR.com – 1Fyr TWBSv3 Update

It’s time, time to update the version for 1Fyr, 1Fyr Bootstrap v3. Like many things in this world, it was time for a  tune up, we are moving 1fyr.com to Bootstrap v3. So, what does that mean?

Tune up includes, code clean up, the removal of any deprecated elements, code and/or elements no longer being supported moving forward. WP jargon went out with the ‘bath water’ as did some of the bloat.  V3 added a framework of sorts, adding Bootstrap framework to this site. With the code change, we’ve made some website improvements: show/hide div’s on the latest fire, archived videos presented in a more favorable fashion and the Jumbotron…

While the yard is being worked on per say, (2 months now) the fire concept has been put on ice to say the least. Again, which aloud me to refocus on the site, code tweaks and more. We kept it simple using TWBS v3. Once we get the backyard up and running again, we will post videos…

While we wait, or in the meantime. For the sake of historical reference and ultimately, how we got here. More information can be found here, about campfires and family time  on 1fyr.com. Or, you can stay here, and read about the 1Fyr build and/or 1Fyr updates.

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