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ADT Wiring

Touch Screen Alarm Systems

ADT Security System Control Panel

Lab Work – ADT Control Unit

Archived For Future Reference, which one was the red wire again? Need help? Just remember, always take a quick picture for historical backup value.

In all honest, this helps for future wiring/rewiring exercised etc, a picture at times is worth a 1000 words… so here it is, in simple form. Have an ADT Touchscreen security system, having issues? Need to move the screen? Reminder, don’t forget which one is + and which one is negative, 50/50 shot at this… no fail way to move this unit to another spot.

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AF 312 Wiring Schema

American Flyer Wiring

AF 312 Wiring Schema - Archived American Flyer Locomotive Wiring

Materials – AC Gilbert Wiring Schema

Rewire – AF 312

Thought this may come in handy for those of you out there, tinkering/wrenching on old model trains… trying to keep our historic, scale models running without issue. Recently, needed to rewire a 50’s AF 312 Locomotive and Tinder. Also, for ones future use, two other models are shared within the diagrammatic illustration.

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train electronic, resolder