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M1 Self Service Repair

M1 Repair – Apple Documentation

M1 Repair – Self Repair Documentation, Websites etc

Those of you who are not certified, no longer certified or never certified by Apple; there are options. Do your research, and perhaps you might want to start here…

I’ll let Apple explain the ‘other repair options’ independent repair providers and self service repair. Avenues become limited as the warranty expires or those who can perform the fix on the go.

Let’s assume our options are limited for the M1 issues… the Apple Self Service Repair (resource website) will help with your repair; this assumes you know what you’re doing. Parts can be purchased as well,


Remembering The Past: Wayback Machine


Lab Work – Wayback

Peak Into Our Past – A Looking Glass Perhaps. Need a quick fix? Slide into the Internet Wayback Machine

We go, way, way, wayback… Check out your business, your online presence, what the web is to your customers. We do, by doing so we choose the Wayback Machine we constantly look for new, innovative ways to represent our clients vision, this requires research. What better way, then using the Wayback Machine. We use this in as a form of humor, but more about learning from your past. Look into what failures might be and turn those into to wins. We look from within, in this case circa 2000 internet… Not GeoCities, on the wayback… that’s like eons ago.

We use simple, effective tools, to communicate, operate and compete. Sound simple? Simplify.

Give it a try, what’s the big deal? Anyhow, need a simple, effective solution, give us a call.