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Heart Coffee Co. – ((COFFEE WARNING))

Heart Coffee Co.

Tech | Tools – French Press, Coffee Beans and Heart Roasters

Heart Roasters – Bodum French Press

…running low, DANGEROUSLY LOW on coffee! Love this stuff by Heart Roasters. #PerqSRQ stop in the near future, feed the need. #HeartRoasters coffee.

My go to is the Ethopian variety, dubbed ‘Ethiopia Worka Sakaro’ (my opinion, the best I can get my hands on, week-over-week or when in a bind). Not a coffee snob per say, nor do I claim any such title, but this stuff brews well in the Bodum Chambord french press… its hanging around the office here… somewhere. You can pick this ‘frenchie p’ up for ~$40

The Bodum french press will be posted at some point. We will highlight the Nespresso machine, Coletti Camp Percolator and other EDC(DD) every day coffee dispensary devices. We will hold off on the Keurig machine, and the pour over… Again, for now we will focus in on the french press, percolator and espresso machines.
Dangerously Low on Coffee Dangerously Low on Coffee Last Drop