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Galaxy Series Reset (De-OS)

Galaxy Reset or New – Privacy, Backups, Access and More

Samsung Galaxy Reboot, Reset, and Unplug

Tech | Tools – Samsung Updates

Before we move onto our dual-sim experiments, I wanted to share a few Samsung Tips or Tricks that might help you debloat your Galaxy series devices.

Let’s jump into it, a quick deep dive in the world of ‘de-bloating’ we had a good run there for awhile, yes, there has always been native apps included on various platforms, OS, iOS etc. But, for awhile now, it’s been 90’s PC sales all over again. That goes for both Android and iOS device types. Until we have a user-friendly Linux based mobile os, or an open source mobile kernel in which we can bloat or de-bloat based on our own needs; we’ve got this. Mobile phones tied up with Google bloatware, same with iOS, when did Homekit, Health, Health Sensors and Siri come preinstalled ‘on’ all the time with a million hoops to jump through to stop the madness. Good luck essentially, cause it ‘ain’t’ going away. However, as of late, I’ve been trying new settings, os specific knobs and switches with the goal of reducing bloat, bloat-warez, de-googlizing access, de-bloating Samsung Galaxy series phones with the latest OS. Whether it’s a fresh Galaxy S22, 215g or 10, or perhaps later… we’ve got some new ways to help take back your device. Diving right into it, whether you’ve got a new phone or now, Hard Reset is required… backup what you need, store it some place safe. Most of the time it’s auto saved somewhere, and we plan to take back that control and manually take steps to move the process forward. The time to de-googleize, de-samsungize or de-bloat your device is right now.

Short Tutorial(updated):
Fresh Hard Reset an existing phone or take your new phone out and start with the basics… First, do NOT add or allow any Samsung, Google or non-platform service you don’t want running regardless of power status. The big, bright red sign says “don’t sign in nor allow data transfer to any external services” that are not native to the system or required.

NEXT, disable any and all permissions by app, stop and remove permissions and alerts for unwanted apps, this is key as we don’t approve of the input/output by any of those particular apps we don’t approve of. Especially those that are third party, external and considered bloat, to track and find what you allow. We need to turn all of those apps or systems apps off. More over, move all apps around how or where you see fit, we typically combine those Samsung native apps that are required, place those in a separate folder with other Samsung apps, or Google apps. Do NOT turn on cloud services, sign in or log in to those (any) systems you will want later.. so not just yet.

Moving on then, we move into customization, customizing the base os and apps native to the phone, once the native and general IOS services have been disabled, force stopped and/or disabled i.e. Facebook, Netflix etc… Let’s start with keyboard and home gestures… add one handed app later, sounds… vibration basic beep beep and vib, connections before sounds… turn off connections you don’t need like such as NFC(near field communication) or bluetooth assuming BT is not applicable, control notifications. Once this has been completed, then we can move into non-native apps which will require you to sign in Google play… remember, only check the boxes that are required, removing any and all extra services, connections or space provided by the platform. Download apps that you desire, repeating the above steps for all apps downloaded and installed moving forward. This will keep you a baseline, a one time download all assuming all apps saved in library, move apps to desired locale, wallpaper blank. We recommend one hand companion for running apps, navigation and such, more on that later…

Tasks… with the ‘baseline’ in tack, we want to maintain that baseline, or non-bloat state. Back in the settings menu… we want to sign out of Google and any google services and remove Google Play. I like to think when it’s not installed or running we are cutting down what data can be transmitted legally. Work on your home and lock screens… if you so choose or want dynamic backgrounds etc. we don’t, cause it chews into performance, same for biometrics. Turn off bio-security, this helps to curtail privacy intrusive apps, hooks, api’s, services and so on. I spent a lot of time here, delete all ids, services not allowing any permissions… TURN OFF ANY AND ALL PERMISSIONS, when pressed, turn off precise location then the general permissions allowed for all apps, account, google, advanced turn all off, go through all panels… i mean all of them. Again this is key to combat geo-fencing, location hungry wifi, hotspots, anything that would be used to capture device names, ids, IMEI etc.

Finally, and time for reintroducing existing settings, we want to re-import contacts, any bookmarks or saved ‘behavioral’ help settings that are a must, and that goes for the Google/Samsung requests to access the phone; which remain a no. Clean up the home screen to your liking, add email accounts (preferably non-Samsung/Google accounts), remember iOS you need to add an app password from your apple acct., Browser settings when your ready, no go on Chrome, Google or Samsung Internet, we use brave with all turned off…

DON’T FORGET THIS, make sure privacy settings are changed to meet/match your needs. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?


Who Called The Fuzz

URL Fuzzer - Pentest

Tech | Tools – FUZZ

“WHOOP WHOOP That’s the sound of the police” – KRS-One. Or, in our case, the URL Police…

As always, we press on, continuing our testing effort utilizing a number of testing apps, websites and testing consoles starting with The URL Fuzzer, GTMetrix, JMeter, LoadRunner, Selenium, validation tools and Google Admin Console… testing …testing …testing in progress. Testing marches on as you read this (well, when I wrote this post and of course, when you read it. Fingers crossed, same year (might as well be totally separate but you get the point)… More over, solutions need to protect our investments online and pentests/vulnerability scanning tools might just be the ticket.

For the purposes of story telling, two are running now, one from Pentest-Tools and the other (nothing so far, these have been running for a few mins now, which may or may not be a good sign or way to predict the outcome. Ultimately, let’s cover few more, including Selenium, LoadRunner, JMeter, QTP, HTML/JS/PHP Validators, Guru99 a few others… but let’s start here.

Free tools below, so, keep this in mind when looking through the results once compiled and reported (said service provider). Additionally, free-premium tools don’t usually present the full picture, grain of salt; use multiple tools or pay the premium price… Testing multiples, a/b (a/b/c) a mixture of free-premium services and validators.

URLFuzzer, good to test the lite version… Scantrics, good to test lite version… Don’t forget to run your web entities through the toolbox, Toolbox – Google Admin

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Apple Mouse

The So, So-Magical Mouse

Apple Magic Mouse to Logitech M525

Gear – Apple & Logitech Mice

Work mouse; and more on it’s back up/EDC Logitech M525, cause the Apple Mouse has been all but useless at times

Welp. It’s time to finally share a few things about the Apple Magic Mouse

First of all, we love the design (always do, life long Apple user, so take it with a grain of salt), slimline, usability (like touchscreen gestures and the like). Second, it’s got a nice weight to it, not to light and certainly not to heavy.

The problem that we are having, after a few hours of work… we have to stop everything and charge the device; and we have to do it more often lately. Furthermore, as a lifelong user of Apple products, this mouse seems to be ‘less userfriendly’ than those devices used prior. I’m not sure of any bugs or ‘battery’ issues with this device, but it’s a world of pain when you have to charge it. THE POINT BEING, YOU CAN NOT USE THE MOUSE WHEN IT IS CHARGING!

SO, while we are charging the Apple Mouse at this very instant (seriously, I’ve got the Logictech mouse on), clicking away… Thirdly, we got the Magic Mouse – Multi-Touch Surface a few months back and are increasingly learning to not want to use it. Again, love the gesturing, touch surface options, but every 8 hrs I’ve got to plug this thing in. What about the next 4 to 6 hours? We are talking paperweight for a good 1.5 hrs while the device charges up.

Onto the M525, no gestures, just a plain Jane type of mouse… bluetooth/usb, heavier I’m assuming cause of the batteries and a handy little internal storage area for the usb dongle when not in use. It’s got a wheel, laser for tracking and it works. It’s a stalwart of a mouse and remains in my EDC bag/desk for work.

Final Thought, if you want to over spend on an Apple mouse, get the trackpad, skip the mouse… always carry a secondary pointer device in a pinch. We do, and that is the Logictech M525. Buy one today…

Now Dec. 2022 – We traded up to the Logitech M720, check one out… we will post an update shortly
Charging the Magic Mouse Logitech M525 Wireless Mouse


Samsung Galaxy S205G

Samsung S20

Gear – Samsung Galaxy Series

Time to switch? iPhone-to-Galaxy? Or LinuxOS? We think so, we test and make our decision… we share why we made the decision we did. The decision is in. S205G over iPhone11/iPhone12/S21/S22… latest. We are not talking the latest Galaxy Series or the Z-Fold, or the iPhone 13

It’s taken many months, hell it’s taken years of ‘practice’ per-say to change, make the decision to switch; ultimately practice makes perfect. Well, let’s stick with practice, practice and more practice! Nothing like everything MacOS/iOS, Yes, everything MacOS, iOS… So, what comes with the decision? Yes the UI familiarity, did I mention all the machines we use on a day-to-day basis are MacOS? Yes, we are certified to service these machines? Yes, comfort, it’s what we’ve always done… Safety, security, battery life, ease of use… on and on and on. Yes, all true including the use of iPhone/iOS products and services since 2006.

Practice, makes more practice. That’s a lot of practice in my book. Quickly, historically speaking, and assuming my memory is correct, we made the initial jump from the Blackberry and Blackberry Products specifically – Blackberry 8100 (’06) series and the 8300 (’07) Series to the iPhone… and for what reason and one reason alone? Touchscreen keys, the main reason at the time was incompatible, or lack of practice with onscreen-typing or touchscreen services. No can do, not down with the Blackberry touch model (whatever it was called). I’ll touch on a story real quick… Many moons ago, I remember sitting in a multi-million dollar test lab (usability lab), testing the latest UI designs/services etc…. and a user was ‘testing’ via the Blackberry Storm… I’ll spare you the pain, let’s just say during that specific test, the Blackberry touch devices were out, iPhone was in. iPhone 3G. Yes, it was early on, yes it was a Blackberry (the workhorse of many business years), yes, in a controlled lab experiment; it failed. Back to the reality, specific to iOS/iPhones, it’s been many, many year of practice, perhaps too many. I included in the link above, the specifically comparing the iPhone 13, 11 and iPhone 6s in the for those who want a quick glimpse into how the greater iOS device ecosystem has changed over the years… However, this is where those years of experience came to an interesting fork in the road.

Sometime in that 2017 2nd/3rd Quarter timeframe, the Samsung Galaxy made sense… road warrior tested, first the S9, s10 and moving quickly to 2022; the s205G model. I carried a work phone iOS device, the Galaxy and a few laptops with various OS platforms, etc. Yes, what a pain. In any case, I will spare you the details. Eventually, after the 100% travel, multi-device, same hotel staying… it was time to move on and although a few months behind schedule today, with the S20 we made the switch. Living life on the road, traveling for clients, nearly broke the iPhone spell if you will… those formed over years and years of costly iPhone devices, turn over and damage control. I think I mentioned this above, also the testing dollars, studying time and the certification time spent on learning, applying and maintaining iOS products, services, and the need to ‘fix’ iOS devices. Before I move off this point, we didn’t buy new, we didn’t buy direct and $1k saved made a difference in this experiment.

Buying new may be your thing, today it wasn’t ours nor is it moving forward. Matter of fact, you yourself can pick up many of our favorite devices second hand or ‘renewed’ today. So, not to belabor the point, you might ask – how did we come to buy the S205G? ((Panic)) The process was long and arduous. No, we simply had to test what was out there. We made the choice to buy the right product, put my money on the best option for me. What better way than trying everything on the market? We tried them all (mostly all). Everything from barebones, stripped Android/iOS and Linux older generational phones like the iPhone 8/11 series, Galaxy S9/S10, S20, old school Nokia 3300, the LightPhone2 and came back to the S20 model. Honestly, let’s touch on the Linux OS option first, until we have a Linux OS Linux based phone that can serve the masses. More here, check out these options Ubuntu Touch or Sailfsh or Pure. Beyond the scope of OS brands or builds, the device spread is fairly limited – OnePlus, Fairphone, Google Pixel 3 (3a), Pine, and Librem… So, limitation. Second point, do your research, before you buy of course… yes, buyer beware. Use caution, learn how to use command line code, service your own device, install via working code branch, OS varietals etc. Additionally, for now and until those Linux devices are ‘EDC’ (Everyday Carry) ready, and I mean not suited for the Developer class, it’s the Galaxy series phones… Not talking the 20+, Ultra or the S21 series.

Let’s wrap this up, I guess the meat and potatoes is this. We did it, doesn’t mean it is right or wrong, do what you think make sense for your budget, way of life and protection/security. The main reason for the switch is ‘control’, battery life, screen, performance and SIRI. Can’t stand SIRI, more over… Samsung has maintained a normal growth pattern, where (in our opinion) iOS hides, changes buttons/connection types/cases/materials pretty regularly, same with the auto ‘on’ features for data collection… Yes, Yes, I know this could be a preference, this is much the same for all devices. Crazy, how in just over 17 years, iOS is everywhere. Oh, and one last point. Did I mention, this is not a plug for any device/devices of choice, more a reminder to do the ‘testing’ part before you buy. Hopefully, this article helps to promote that step toward ‘testing’ what’s on the market.

MIG’s | TIG’s, Power

MIG’s & TIG’s

Lincoln Pro MIG 140

Tech | Tools – Lighting Sticks

MIGs, TIGs, Power, Power Supply… MIG’s | TIG’s, Power and More. Lighting axe? Lighting weld? Choose Lincoln Electric

Are we plugging the Lincoln Electric Pro 140? Yes… Specs screenshot below… The 120 volt, 140 amp MIG Welder? That we are. Now, pricing has changed, market availability, all the non-sense… But we are sticking to what we’ve been recommended here. I would say we are ‘large stock newbies’ when it comes to welding anything. And I mean anything. Crazy right? So, the question, with anything new… What is the best product for a large variety of steel stock, what’s the cost, what’s the warranty? I mean literally we could go on for days… So, what would you recommend? We are putting something out there for your feedback? What say you?

The Ask: Welding both MIG and TIG, complimentary plasma cutter? (Mitre Saw review to follow) What is easier to use, stick welding or auto feed welders? We need it all!

We may try a new series on welding, mitre saws and power supplies, specifically for more cumbersome jobs, scaling up -electronics to heavy stock steals… probably third quarter ’22. Stay Tuned.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

LE - Pro Mig LE - Pro Mig Instek Power Supply GPS Power



Downdetector - Detect Real-time problems and outages

Tech | Tools – Downdetector, Starlink Teaser

Outage? Use Downdetector – What’s Up with What’s App? Binance? Online Bank Account? Internet? Online Games?

When the ‘interwebs’ aren’t operating as they should… Downdetector can help.

Check out Downdetector, great online resource for ‘what’s up’ with the web(online games, apps; everything that uses the internet). All webservices tracked by Downdetector – Downdetector – *Listing.

Aggregate reporting, reported outages etc. and a neat heat map of the world of said outages, slowness etc. Next time you hit a snag in interweb service, head on over to for the latest, real-time outage reporting and monitoring service. We use it all the time, nearly every week, sometimes daily. While wait for Starlink to come on board, receive equipment etc…Downdetector is our go to web/service outages.

For a full list of sites Downdetector monitors, check out Downdetector 404 – List of all websites monitored by Downdetector. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Downdetector Downdetector Down Reports Downdetector Reporting Downdetector Comments

Puget Systems

The Best, Puget Systems

Tech | Tools – Puget Systems

We choose Puget. From a far, we can’t wait to get our hands on one of these machines… Saving up for our own custom Puget.

Puget Systems… ’nuff said (JK) as the kids would say. Seriously, if you haven’t heard about these guys… legit. Have a look at the recommendations for ‘software’ specific needs. We tend to gravitate to those machines curtailed for Adobe Premiere, Illustrator or Photoshop. Habitual I guess. The point here is simple, looking for the best? Here is the best, Puget Systems. I don’t want to go over board here but pricing can ultimately curb your decisions, but some decisions need to be made outside the box. Meaning if it’s your business, you need to the best. Best for the application, the user and the end user/customer. One of our favorites, check ’em out, Puget Systems.

Hey, if you have the money and the need, look into Puget Systems – Workstation for Adobe Premiere Pro… These machines might just be what you’re looking for. These machines are crazy configurable, blown out specs, top of the line; top notch. Check ’em out.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Puget System Intro Puget Workstation Puget System with Thunderbot


Who needs matches or a lighter, when you got a UST BLASTMATCH

UST Blast Match

Tech | Tools – Camp Gadgets

EDC Camping Accessories – (UST) Ultimate Survival Technologies Blast Match Fire Starter – Have a look, take your pick; we did. WE MOST CERTAINLY USE THIS – UST BLASTMATCH. Looking for a last minute gift?

Used from time to time, even the times when we are sharing a beverage around the campfire. Although, campfires have been on hold, a winter hiatus if you will. But any case, these blast matches are fantastic in a pinch or in leisure as stated above. There are plenty of videos, product reviews out there, we want bore you with another ‘product plug’; but we will encourage you to have one handy. Nothing like plugging product that works.

Get your EDC – UST Blast Match. Take your time with the contraption, the rod can shift side-to-side when striking the intended surface that would cause a ‘shower of sparks’. Stick with it, it will be worth it, certainly more practical than a fire bow of sorts or empty lighter. Just for the record, we always tuck a few Bic lighters in various pockets of the camping pack and ‘wearable’ clothing. Again, typically there is a lighter on my person as a daily carry item. Some will tuck a lighter, some cotton balls, an EDC (every day carry) knife or camp knife. Key is to be prepared if you are camping, trekking, on-the-trail or stuck in a situation where you might need a light. Good luck.

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Light Phone2 Update

We Test, We Analyze and Use The Light Phone 2

Light Phone 2 - LP2

Gear – Light Phone 2

Light Phone2 – Barebones Smart Phone, Simplified, Refined; No nonsense

Sneak peek, check out the new Light Phone 2… ready to de-sanitize your digital life? Takes a number of weeks, sometimes months before you might receive your very own via parent site. There are other sites of course, secondhand via eBay, or specialty shop like Huckberry* which might have an extremely limited quantity and we haven’t seen it for awhile on the site. Upgrade your life, by limiting connectivity; what a concept? TT (Tiny Tech) Certified technology, running Android… in a small, easy-use case, clear text screen. Logic boards out of stock for this particular model, battery… second go around.

Received this back (LightPhone2 below) in Nov ’21, just unboxing it here in mid Dec ’21. Service is going to be an issue, but all the pieces work, turns on/off etc. Simple UI, simplified Android OS, once we get ‘service’ for this thing, look for an update. Update coming mid 1st quarter ’22.

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Light Phone 2 Layers Light Phone 2 Layers Light Phone 2 Layers Light Phone 2 Layers Light Phone 2 Layers

Projects Forthcoming

We are on it, see our output

Tech | Tools

Output Updates – New Gear, Gadgets, Games, Lessons and Updates (flashback)… Jan something, face-in-hands “…need more content”…

What feels like many moons later, months of heads-down work, rework (more rework to fill time) and a little magic; VOILA! More stuff, stuff to read, view and whatever else you do on the interwebs. All coming your way mid ’21. Got some juicy StarWars stuff, sans – cartoons, one offs, Mandalorian, figures/toys/collectables and comic books. By the way, code is a fun thing… love Starwars, just check the source or is it “Use the Source!” Great holiday gifts include the Seinfeld series, power tools, hosting issues (boo on Hostgator, Blue host and Endurance).

While we are at it, need to build some Lego stuff, maybe crack open the RPi4 for some nonsense. GA(Google Analytics what?). Maybe some WordPress includes. Anyhow, you can find fire videos over on | By the way, Mbemo already got hacked HA! F*$(#* SPAMMERS! Anyway, It’s back up, running… deleted a bunch of posts, forums and general whatnot. Resetting the system does the trick this time, cleaned up/purged all the ‘non-real’ peps using the boards. Future-self, perhaps can move some of these topics to the BB MBemo BB’s boards. Favorite part of ‘keeping up with the new’, focusing on the old or retro! Some new stuff coming this year. Anything from iPhone | Android game apps, tools and ‘hackery’. Some good, some bad, but most are ugly.

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Oracle VBox – Virtual Appliances

Virtual Appliances, VImages, VDI’s, ISO’s

Oracle Virtualbox

Tech | Tools – Virtual Appliances

Oracle Virtual Box, get it now… assuming you’ve not run into a time when you needed a system other than the one you might be using, stuck with or have issues running native apps.

VirtualBox is a great place to start. Make sure you scope out the latest and greatest virtualized products… Ideally, it’s a great ‘virtual’ appliance to have around the old shop, run VDI’s – Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or ISO – Copy (of the) Optical Disc Image. Stumbled across an article about this prior as I’ve written about this before, when testing other OS, OS Variants, Solutions, Drone Flight sims, Flight Configs etc. Believe you me, this Virtual Box stuff comes in handy when testing for just about any and all compute/browser combinations. In our case, we like the Oracle product for non Windows needs, Boot Camp covers Windows environments pretty well. We will cover those another time, but for now check out this handy link for OS options. Your choice – BSD, Fedora, Linux Varietals and more. Other image offering can be found here:These OS Boxes Linux Images.

REMEMBER DO YOUR HOMEWORK, check what’s there, it may take many, many, many try(s) to get this stuff to work in an optimal fashion but you’ll get it soon enough. Testing is key, Donate where you can!

A few other notes, I’m sure you have your own process, but we use Virtual Box for lots of stuff*… testing, games, browser ‘wars’, IoT stuff* and more stuff*. Below you will find a few screenshots of Virtual Box and MS Remote Desktop. The goal was to cover as many systems, device varieties, OS images and tools… Always remember, just have fun. Next, please note, since the screenshots were taken/shared, we’ve added Virtual Box to MacOs, running a litany of ISOs. Those can be found here, included for your convenience! We certainly enjoy using this method for just about anything. Last point, these virtual environments can be used for IoT testing (please see posting Debian Buster) starting with the Ubuntu IoT ISOs.

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VM's - Download VB Boot Starting VB Image VB Android Launch

Tool Needs

Tool Needs – Neiko Calipers

Neiko Calipers

Tech | Tools – Calipers

Archive – Neiko Calipers

Handy gadget to have in and around the shop. Make Neiko brand calipers your go to precision measuring tool. Have a set of calipers and looking to replace current stainless calipers? Perhaps Mitutoyo Digimatic Caliper.

Question out to the masses, have a better caliper? Please let me know, kindly share via email Borg2Borg on Github.Borg is used for back-and-forth communication, handy when trying to find a 1947 Model Train part, most of which has been off the market for 30 plus years.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Luthier Gauges

Stew Mac Gauges

Luthier Gauges - Stew Mac

Tech | Tools – Luthier Tools

Luthier Tools; Gauges

Someday, the billboard will scream ((‘Pro’ Luthier ))… until then, luthier gauges may be helpful, certainly when your cranking on a Stewmac S build type guitar. This handy tool/gauge et helps adjust the action on an acoustic or electric guitar. Great option for custom builds or pre-made guitar stock over at Stewmac shop.

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Heart Coffee Co. – ((COFFEE WARNING))

Heart Coffee Co.

Tech | Tools – French Press, Coffee Beans and Heart Roasters

Heart Roasters – Bodum French Press

…running low, DANGEROUSLY LOW on coffee! Love this stuff by Heart Roasters. #PerqSRQ stop in the near future, feed the need. #HeartRoasters coffee.

My go to is the Ethopian variety, dubbed ‘Ethiopia Worka Sakaro’ (my opinion, the best I can get my hands on, week-over-week or when in a bind). Not a coffee snob per say, nor do I claim any such title, but this stuff brews well in the Bodum Chambord french press… its hanging around the office here… somewhere. You can pick this ‘frenchie p’ up for ~$40

The Bodum french press will be posted at some point. We will highlight the Nespresso machine, Coletti Camp Percolator and other EDC(DD) every day coffee dispensary devices. We will hold off on the Keurig machine, and the pour over… Again, for now we will focus in on the french press, percolator and espresso machines.
Dangerously Low on Coffee Dangerously Low on Coffee Last Drop


Tyco Typhoon Hovercraft

Tech | Tools – Typoon

Typhoon Hovercraft

Seriously, a Radio Controlled (RC) hovercraft… wait, what? RC HOVERCRAFTS ARE REAL! Who does that? Tyco Does! Childhood nostalgia, commerical for the Tyco Typhoon and Mini Typhoon. Early drone, like some toy drones today, Typoon and Mini Typhoon were awesome. Very cool! 90’s tech gadgets/toys… above all else, it worked! I’d like to think this would work in a pool, stream or small lake or pond. For perspective, I use to drive the Typhoon over the pool cover in the dead of winter. No fear of loosing the boat in water due to battery loss or boat failure. Ice worked well, since it’s a moderately smooth surface, some snow impedence from time-to-teim; no major blockage. Ice performed pretty well now that I’ve journeyed back in memory.

As the memory becomes more clear, as a kid, this boat/thing could rip through land and ice obsticales pretty well. Various water traps, sand and pond ice as well. Never had the heart to try the hovercraft in snow/snow covered drive or street. A perfect RC for beginners, NOOBS and your avid RC race fan. If, and a big if at that, if you could get your hands on one of these RC boats today, where would you choose to race the Typhoon? Perhaps, but this was a very cool RC boat back in the day.

Tech Toys

Next Level Toys and Gadgets

Tech | Tools – Cool Toys

Next Level Scifi-Toys

You like electronics, check out @NextLevelScience to dig up the latest next gen. toys? Well, you might be in luck. Here is a small glimpse of the toys on the market circa 05/20. Nothing particularly significant about the date. More curious to know if the items contained within the YT video make the Christmas 20′ list for some of you. I’m sure there will be something here, you might find interesting, some far more. Check out the #nextF****level tech toys and gadgets, not judging… just have a look around.

Two, I’ll post some 80’s/90’s gadgets, gear and games. We can make short work of early 80s/90s gadgets. Some good, some bad, some ugly… Top Gun, Gyromite, Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!, Blades of Steel, Golf, Duckhunt, Kungfu, Pro Wrestling, Slalom, Rampage, Ice Climber, Tetris, Kid Icarus, Hogans Ally, MegaMan, Metroid…

Full Listing via Wikipedia NES Games Altered Beast, Contra, Super Contra, Donkey Kong, After Burner, Sonic, Out Run, Gauntlet, Golden Axe, Hang-On, Lemmings, Ninja Gaiden, Paperboy, R-Type, Shinobi, Super Off Road…

Full Listing via Wikipedia Sega Master System Games. Referenced both NES and Sega System games for time as I could go on for hours… Lastly, today is your lucky day (easter egg). Remember the old Sega Master System game cartridge case design… look familiar? Simple design, 10/1985… May be someday we can discuss, SNES, Dreamcast, Playstation, Xbox… Scooby Do and the gang, Mask and Micro Machines.

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Airfield Bound

RC Airfield

The PH4 At The Airfield

Lab Work – PH4V2 Gimbal

Airfield Bound – PH4V2 FIXED

Fixed Gimbal, freshly removed from the DJI packaging and repacked for the airfield… Airfield BOUND! Re-posted. Nice to see the drone back in working order, taking to the sky again. Must do, need to put the drone through its paces…

I don’t normally call out manufactures content or help videos, however, added a few drone shots, The Reveal, Panning, Orbit and Overhead Flight. DJI has nice article on drone shots, and how you might incorporate those shots into your flying arsenal.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Fresh Flying Day

FRSky Taranis Q

Taranis-‘SAURUS’ QX7S ((ROAR))

FRSky Taranis Q On The Bench

Tech | Tools – Taranis


Time well spent over at the @GetFPV shop located in Sarasota, Fl. Always appreciate the help, good people and endless options for drone hobbyist/enthusiasts. After a few clicks, a few questions and some tinkering around… Added the @FrSkyRC Taranis Q X7S + Hall Sensor Gimbals to the drone arsenal.

Punchline – After dropping the remote, bummer… added a new switch, pretty easy switch remove/replace. Plus this particular model has the Ni-MH charger, so no need to remove the battery pack to charge. Handy, reduces ‘accidents’ or my case just a simple recharging. Again, a bummer… but it was good to get under the ‘hood’ and fix the switch. If you need to tighten or loosen up the gimbal pressure clips, you might crank on those while the cover is off.

Goal: price, serviceability, scalability – 1 to many, (fixed wing, hybrid – FV-31 Cypher micro quads including the EMAX products@emax. Perhaps there are other Diatone Cinewhoop, tiny whoops or quadcopters you might bind to this remote. Have at it!

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Cover On Taranis Q Blown Top, Internal Guts of the Taranis Q